In 1991, we established a company offering a full variety of security services, solutions, and strategies for the protection of people and property. A clear and straightforward aim from the very beginning, “to provide our clients with reliable security services of the very best quality,” led to the company’s success.
Today the company Sintal is the biggest security corporation in the country and the only one to provide security services throughout Slovenia. The company’s simple guiding principle is, “Your safety is our concern, ” and fully considers the requests and suggestions of our clients.
All the company’s efforts are being directed into the most recent technology-based security trends. Moreover, our expertise and experience allow us to implement and develop highly demanding systems for the security of persons and assets.
(On the 1st January 2024)
Sintal is the biggest security corporation in Slovenia and the only one with:
Our quality criteria is higher than those required by law as we:
The security situation and needs of our clients are constantly changing. We adapt our services accordingly. The main guiding principle has been the same since establishing the company: to provide effective security with professionally trained security personnel who use the latest security technology.
Our engineers have great experience and expertise and make complex systems using a wide variety of electronic security solutions:
After the planning phase for security devices compliant with European safety regulations, our authorised engineers install the systems and can later on perform regular, around the clock service maintenance.
Alarm messages from technically protected facilities are received by Sintal’s security operations centres and are then immediately forwarded to mobile patrols for intervention. Mobile patrols rapidly respond to incident reports and emergency calls in accordance with predefined procedures. Mobile patrols operate 24 hours a day and, in addition to having a nationwide presence, their geographical proximity and local knowledge are decisive factors for their successful handling of alarm events.
Alarm intervention is the most common form of property protection because:
Physical security includes the implementation of security tasks in a protected area, which are performed in accordance with the Private Security Act. Security plans are prepared in co-operation with the client. Security guards must know the facility in which they work. It is also important that they are friendly, helpful, and presentable.
Depending on the method of implementation, the most common forms of physical security are:
Our security guards are professionally trained to take effective action in different situations, are well dressed in uniforms, and can be armed if the security threat level is high. Depending on customer need, guards with basic computer skills, foreign languages, training for X-ray operation, or firefighting services are available.
Fire protection services prevent fire outbreaks using the advantages of both fire systems and security mobile patrols. Fire systems send incident reports to the security operations centre, and in the case of alarm message security, mobile patrols rapidly respond.
Facilities can be fire protected solely by the fire protection contractor who provides measures specified in the Fire Protection Plan and Fire Protection Rules. The protection of buildings that are more endangered by fire is carried out by a 24-hour presence of trained security guards.
Transport and protection of cash and other valuables is performed by our armed and uniformed security guards, who have undergone specialised training to meet high industry standards and act in compliance with the Private Security Act.
We use sophisticated armoured vehicles equipped with interlocking and immobilising systems. Security operations centres constantly monitor the location of vehicles via satellite tracking and simultaneously, regularly, and directly communicate with the guards in vehicles. Security bags are tracked each step of the way and are securely monitored.
For cash transit, we also offer smart safes which are located at the client’s premises and connected to the bank. They can perform money counting as well as immediate transfers to the client’s bank account. They report when they are full, and their contents are taken to the bank by our security guards.
In 30 years of event security, we have gained rich experience and knowledge with which we are able to ensure safe implementation of all types of events and thus contribute to the well-being of participants.
We offer implementation of comprehensive and high-quality security services to event organisers in the entire territory of Slovenia from consulting during event planning, to the preparation of a security plan and final implementation of security.
Our bodyguards provide personal security services in accordance with the highest standards of personal protection. They have a bodyguard and a safe driving license, are licensed to carry weapons, and have completed specialised training in protecting people and their property against various attacks, fire, and possible accidents. They take regular care of their psychological and physical abilities. Unlike uniformed security guards, they can perform their work in civilian clothes and thus do not attract attention in their surroundings.
The Elevator Safety Act prescribes the conditions and procedures for rescuing persons trapped in an elevator.
At Sintal, we have trained mobile patrols to carry out rescues from elevators throughout Slovenia. Our patrols can intervene in emergency calls 24 hours a day. Rescues from lifts on physically protected facilities may also be performed by our security guards in their protected area as part of their regular tasks.
Employers have a legal obligation to ensure health and safety in the work place, including the prevention of occupational hazards and the training and informing of workers. Our skilled engineers perform professional assignments to ensure healthy work environments and the safety of workers in accordance to the Occupational Safety and Health Act. We help our clients provide their employees with a healthy working environment and comply with demanding Slovenian legislation.
Every employer is obliged to ensure the protection of people, property, and the environment from the occurrence of fire with appropriate organisation and necessary resources. Our experts perform fire protection tasks to prevent damage due to fire risks in accordance with the Fire Protection Act.
We perform mobile services with fire extinguishers and hydrants in specially equipped vehicles. This approach is faster than transporting fire equipment to the service centre, it reduces mistakes made by unintentional replacement of fire extinguishers, the client has a direct insight in the process, and the fire safety of the building is not reduced at any time.
Good building management must preserve or even increase the value of the building, ensure uninterrupted operations, as well as divide incurred operating costs among users of the building according to agreed criteria.
We have the skills to perform all services regarding compound and premises management and maintenance:
V Sintalu izdajamo strokovno revijo o varovanju, ki neprekinjeno izhaja že 20 let. Naročnikom na e-novice brezplačno dostavimo aktualno revijo na e-naslov. Pripravljamo tudi novice o sodobnem varovanju, s katerimi vam želimo pomagati povečati varnost domá, v službi ali na poti.
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